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2011 Saab PhoeniX Sleek, innovative and exceptionally efficient: the Saab PhoeniX concept car showcases design features and technologies which will...
Needing a replacement for the Urraco, Lamborghini had Bertone design the Bravo concept car as a possible replacement. The Bravo was first seen at the 1974 Turin Motor Show and was extensively tested
The concept for this supercar set from the start, a two-seat mid engine construction with a hardtop, all based on state of the art Formula 1 technology. Koenigsegg CC prototype is shown during the Cannes film festival and its success was immediately.
Vauxhall Monza Luton – Opel/Vauxhall’s ground-breaking Monza Concept, the first car to feature cutting-edge LED projection infotainment and an evolution...